Class 4T

Welcome to Class 4T!
Welcome to a new year in Year 4. Now that you are no longer the youngest pupils in school, we are looking forward to seeing how you set a good example to our Year 3 pupils.
This year, we have some exciting learning in store. We will be working hard to learn the rest of our times tables by using TT Rockstars; we will explore exciting authors such as Roald Dahl, Michael Morpurgo and CS Lewis and will be learning about other exciting things such as how we hear, the Ancient Greeks and Christianity – including Durham Cathedral and the local Northern Saints.
PE is taught on Wednesdays and pupils must have a pair of PE shoes in school. Swimming lessons begin in January and this is a big event for Year 4 pupils, as many begin the term unable to swim and become fast swimming fish by the end of the teaching period!
School trips are an important part of Year 4. These include a trip to Durham Cathedral as well as other, smaller trips and visitors over the year.
Staff in Year 4 are Ms Thomas, Miss McLauchlan, Miss Robb and Mrs Carlile. We are all happy to help with any queries you may have.
As ever, thank you for your continued support.