Curriculum Plans
You can view or download our curriculum overviews and view more detailed information about our approach to the National Curriculum by clicking on the individual subject links below.
We also publish regular curriculum newsletters to keep parents and carers up-to-date with what our classes have been learning!
At South Stanley Junior School we want our curriculum to be full of opportunities for pupils to explore the world in which they live, developing curiosity and skills which can be used across a range of subjects.
We want to provide real-life experiences to deepen and develop their interest and love for learning. We aim to stimulate their thinking, drawing upon first-hand experience as well as consideration and appreciation of the ideas, thoughts and achievements of others.
It is our aim to provide children with the skills to enable lifelong learning as well as the desire to pursue this whole-heartedly.
Our curriculum is designed with two goals in mind:
1) To give all pupils a rich set of experiences to help them develop as confident, responsible citizens, and enabling them to see where there learning could take them in future;
2) To provide a coherent, structured, sequential academic curriculum that enables pupils to know more and remember more, and leads to at least good progress for all.
Underpinned by our school aims, ethos and vision (including British Values), our curriculum uses the National Curriculum as the basis for content and expectations and keeps the basic skills of Maths, reading and writing at its heart. We have structured this so that each year group has a clear overview of what must be covered (documenting key vocabulary, the substantive and disciplinary knowledge that we expect children to develop), as well as how this links to prior (and future) learning both in individual subjects and across the curriculum, so that knowledge can be built, layered and transferred in a skilful manner.
In every lesson, pupils are encouraged to reflect on their learning journey and are given opportunities to revisit prior learning.
RE and PSHCE also form a central part of our curriculum, complementing pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and fully equipping pupils in our school for life in modern Britain.